Atlas API 653 Practice Tests and Exam Question Package
Online training questions for the API 653 Exam: Tank Repair & Inspection
Included in The Package:
$ 399 .00
- Over 1000 Practice Questions
- Timed Practice Exams
- Audio Flashcards
Pass on the first try or take the course again for free. Money Back Guarantee
Atlas API 653 Practice Tests and Exam Question Package
Tank Repair and Inspection
Online training questions for the API 653 Exam: Tank Repair & Inspection.

API 653 Practice Package Only
Included In The Package:
- Over 1000 Practice questions
- Timed practice exams
- Audio flashcards
Why Atlas Practice Test and Exam Question Packages?
- 120 day access provides extended preparation time
- Audio Flashcards let you train while driving or relaxing
- Quiz question banks provide exam type questions
- Practice tests prepare you for the real thing
- Online convenience lets you set your own schedule and study at your own pace
Increase your API 653 exam score with the Atlas Practice Test and Exam Question Package.
API 653 training and preparation with the Atlas Practice Test and Exam Question Package improves your API 653 exam pass rate. The package contains practice tests, exam questions, and audio flashcards.
You can listen to the audio flashcards while driving, working, or relaxing. These flashcards cover the critical material that you need to know to pass the exam.
There are over 1000 questions in the exam question banks. These are the kind of exam questions that you will see on the exam. The timed practice test will let you know how prepared you are for the test.
The API 653 exam study material provides you with the questions and answers that will have you prepared for the exam. The content will be benefit you no matter what API 653 class you attend. It will help for both online and classroom training as well. This package is included in the Atlas API Training 653 online course.
API 580 Body of Knowledge, Effectivity Sheet, and Schedule can all be found here.
Notice and Disclaimer for API training students:
This does not register you for the examination. You will have to register separately at API's website. If you have not already registered for the exam, you need to download an application from the API website listed here.
The codes and standards that are needed to prepare can be purchased from several sources online. They are referred to as API exam packs. You can purchase the API 510 exam packs here.
Atlas API Training presently provides online preparation courses for API 510, API 570, API 571, API 577, API 580, API 1104 API 1169, PT, MT, API 1184, API 19C, API TES, and API 653 certification exams.
- Lesson 1: Purpose
- Lesson 2: Scope
- Lesson 3: References
- Lesson 4: Terms and Definitions
- Lesson 5: Basic risk Assessment Concepts
- Lesson 6: Introduction to Risk Based Inspection (RBI)
- Lesson 7: Planning the RBI Assessment
- Lesson 8: Data, Information Collection for RBI
- Lesson 9: Damage Mechanisms
- Lesson 10: Assessing POF
- Lesson 11: Assessing COF
- Lesson 12: Risk Determination
- Lesson 13: Risk Management with Inspection
- Lesson 14: Other Risk Mitigation Activities
- Lesson 15: Reassessment and RBI
- Lesson 16: Roles, Responsibilities, Training, and Qualifications
- Lesson 17: Documentation and Record Keeping
- Lesson 18: RBI Pitfalls
- Lesson 19: Exam - Practice
Where are you along this roadmap toward your Certification? What are your next steps? We have the answers here.





Prior to submitting an application, please use the table below to determine if you qualify to take the API 580 exam:
Education | Minimum Years of Experience | Description of Experience Required |
BS or higher in engineering or technology | 1 year | Supervision or performance of inspection activities as described in API 653 |
2-year degree or certificate in engineering or technology | 2 years | Design, construction, repair, operation, or inspection of aboveground storage tanks, of which one year must be in supervision or performance of inspection activities as described in API 653 |
High school diploma or equivalent | 3 years | Design, construction, repair, operation, or inspection of aboveground storage tanks, of which one year must be in supervision or performance of inspection activities as described in API 653 |
No formal education | 5 or more years | Design, construction, repair, operation, or inspection of aboveground storage tanks, of which one year must be in supervision or performance of inspection activities as described in API 653 |
Failure to comply with one or more of the applicable requirements during your recertification cycle will preclude you from earning a recertification. Except for the 2023, 2024 and 2025 Phase-in periods, all Recertificants must provide 24 CPD hours over their three-year recertification cycle.
Recertifying Year | Number of CPD Hours Required |
2023 | Recertifying candidates must submit 8 CPD hours completed within the last 3 years. |
2024 | Recertifying candidates must submit 16 CPD hours completed within the last 3 years. |
2025 | Recertifying candidates must submit 24 CPD hours completed within the last 3 years. (All recertifications from this point forward must present 24 CPD hours each 3 year cycle. No more than 16 hours may be from one activity category) |
1. Work Requirements - Every 3 years
API 510 inspectors need to demonstrate that a minimum of 20% of time over the most recent three-year certification period was spent performing or supervising pressure vessel inspection activities as described in the API 510 inspection code.
Inspectors who have not been actively engaged in pressure vessel inspection practices will be required to take the full examination.
2. Continuing Professional Development (CPD) - Every 3 years
Beginning January 1, 2022, Continuing Professional Development (CPD) hours will be included in the 3-year recertification requirements. CPD activity must be relevant to the API 510 certification.
ICP will have a phased implementation of the CPD hour requirement beginning with 8 CPD hours required for individuals whose certification expire after January 1, 2023. The full CPD requirements of 24 CPDs will be implemented for those expiring on or after January 1, 2025.
Review the CPD Guidance Document for additional information on what activities are acceptable.
Activities should vary between categories. Minimum should be across two of the categories.
You must upload proof of activity to Education page on your ICP Portal account along with your Recertification application.
Fill out the API CPD Activities Form if no other form of proof. Please print this form and sign in person prior to submitting with your Recertification application.
3. Webquiz - Every 6 years
API 653 Recertification Publications Effectivity Sheet (Valid beginning April 3, 2023)
- API 653 Aboveground Storage Tank inspectors are required to take an on-line, open-book quiz every six years in order to recertify.
- The quiz is available 90 days prior to your expiration date and for a grace period of 90 days after. The quiz will not be available beyond this grace period, or after your certification has expired.
- You may take the quiz either before or after you submit your recertification application.
- To take your recertification quiz, or to determine if a quiz is needed for your current certification, log into your account in the ICP Portal. If a web quiz is due, there will be a notification at the top of your 653 certification page with a link that will take you to the quiz. You may also go directly to the Web Quiz Gateway. If a quiz is needed, you will see a notification in bold red stating that a quiz is required.
- NOTE: Your Web Quiz log is the same username and password that you use to log into your account in the ICP Portal.
- Each quiz has 25 questions that address the changes in the relevant API codes over the past six years.
- You have a total of four hours to complete the quiz, and it may be paused or interrupted up to three times.
- If you fail the quiz once you will be able to take it again. If you fail the quiz a second time you will not be able to recertify. You will need to submit a new application and take the full version of the exam to certify again.
Watch our course overview videos.

6 Month Access to the Course
Study on your own time, review over and over.

Atlas Audio Flashcards™
Listen and study during your morning and evening commute.

Visual & Narrated Online Curriculum
You learn better when you can see, read and hear the course material.

Timed & Simulated Exams
Take simulated exams before taking the real thing.
API 653 Practice Package Only - $399
Money-Back Guarantee
API 653 Online Training Course - $999
Includes Practice Package
"The practice exams were very helpful"
"The practice exams and work sheets which I used to prepare during the last week prior to the exam were very helpful."
-Phillip Delape PE, Senior Mechanical Engineer