AWS CWI Practice Tests and Exam Question Package

Online training questions for parts A, B and C of the AWS CWI Exam

Included in the AWS CWI Practice Package:

$ 549.00

  • Over 1600 Practice questions
  • Timed Practice Exams
  • Audio Flashcards

AWS CWI Practice Tests and Exam Question Package

Study Before You Test.

Online training questions for parts A, B and C of the AWS CWI Exam

AWS CWI Practice Package Only

​Included In The Package:

  • Over 1600 Practice questions
  • Timed practice exams
  • Audio Flashcards


AWS CWI Practice Tests and Exam Question Package

  User Reviews

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"I like the way the modules are set up"
"I especially like the way the modules are set up to give you an overview of the body of knowledge and then followed up by more in-depth lessons on each section. All of the calculations are explained well and the examples given are easy to follow."   
-Elliott Puana-Martin
"I totally recommend the material"
"I especially want to thank your team for putting together the wonderful preparatory material for taking AWS CWI exam. I totally recommend the material to any prospective AWS CWI candidate. Thanks!" 
-Michael Abu, - Corr. & Insp Engr.
"I was able to manage my work and study"
"As an offshore inspector, I was able to manage my work and study. The audio flash cards helped a lot when traveling from state to state. I have successfully passed my CWI exam."  
-Mario Trevino
"I passed with flying colors on my first attempt"
"Just wanted to inform you that I passed my CWI with flying colors on my first attempt. I felt very confident going into the course with your training material."
-Aaron Garcia

6 Month Access to the Course

Study on your own time, review over and over.

Atlas Audio Flashcards™

Listen and study during your morning and evening commute.

Visual & Narrated Online Curriculum

You learn better when you can see, read and hear the course material.

Timed & Simulated Exams

Take simulated exams before taking the real thing.

AWS CWI Practice Package Only - $549   

Money-Back Guarantee

CWI Online Training Course - $799

Includes Practice Package

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